Early this morning Michael Kiessig and I shoveled walks and prepared feeding areas at the area behind the Red Rocks Trading Post in anticipation of the Rosy-Finches. The Golden-crowned Sparrow made his appearance early and visited the feeders several times. Lots of birds to watch including White-winged Junco, PS x WW cross, Cassiar, and several odd looking juncos that appeared to be hybrids plus all the regulars.

Around 9:45 A.M. (after Michael had left), Tim Smart, Steve Mlodinow, and I watched a Rosy-Finch flock we estimated to be 125-150 birds descend on the platform feeder, the area below the lower apple tree, and the rock wall. They came and went numerous times, often landing in the tops of the two apple trees, then descending to feed, then taking off and circling high above and around the Trading Post before returning to the tops of the trees. As in the past, the flock consisted of mostly Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches ( with numerous Hepburn's), some Black Rosy-Finches (10+), and a few Brown-capped Rosy- Finches (10-). I left about 10:15 A.M., and the Rosy's were still present. Steve took numerous photos, which I am sure he will post in the next day or so.

In addition to the Rosy-Finches, we also had 3 male Cassin's Finches and a Pine Siskin appear about the same time as the Rosy-Finch flock.

My instincts tell me the Rosy's will return tomorrow about the same time(9:30 - 10:30 A.M.) - they only seem to come to the Red Rocks feeders when everything is snow covered and there is no bare ground. Once the south facing slopes melt and things warm up, the Rosy's are less likely to visit the feeders at Red Rocks. I will have seed out in the morning tomorrow, but will not be able to visit the feeders on Monday morning.

Good luck to those looking to see the Golden-crowned or Rosy-Finches.

Mike Henwood
Jefferson County
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