To follow up on Brandon's post, I took a spin down to Pueblo Mountain Park 
yesterday (Thursday) to look for the above critters.  Many thanks to Tom 
Wilberding for some valuable suggestions.  Anyway, I was sucessful in both 
quests.  The acorn woodpeckers were not in the usual snag (adjacent to the 
parking lot), but I found two in the valley just below the snag.  When I was 
preparing to leave, one of them landed in the parking lot not far from my car, 
so they do not appear to be of a mind to make seeing them too big a challenge.  
By the way, the little valley in the lower part of the park can be reached via 
a short path from the parking lot, or if you are feeling particularly lazy, you 
can drive there after heading over to the basketball court (see below).  This 
little valley is quite birdy- I had a nice flock of evening grosbeaks (they 
seem to prefer the stream area just below the pond), all three nuthatches, 
plumbeous vireo, Hammond's flycatcher and lots of other predictable stuff.

I actually had Grace's warbler at two separate locations, and I thought these 
might be of interest to anyone heading down that way to look for them.  To get 
to the first site, just walk toward the lodge from the parking lot and go 
around the right end.  You'll soon come to an old-fashioned metal clothes-line 
setup; there was a very cooperative singing bird there.  To reach the second 
site, drive out of the opposite end of the parking lot (to the left of the 
building- I'm not sure what it is) and continue for a couple hundred yards down 
a draw and up the other side.  You will come to an old concrete basketball 
court- strange looking affair with walls.  Anyway, just beyond this court was 
where I found the other Grace's (per Brandon's comments)- also singing.  I 
could not locate the hooded, however.

Good luck and good birding!

Norm Lewis

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