My yard has been very quiet though the spring migration and into summer.  Have 
had a one or two pairs of Bullocks that have been coming to the sugar water at 
my window since about the middle of May. Hummers (females and young males) 
started coming one by one over night since July first week fighting the Orioles 
for the sugar water. Calliopes and one Broad-tailed.
Allens Park 
Went to Fawn Brook Inn yesterday to see the hummers. Rather a small amount of 
hummers. Broad-tailed, Calliopes and one Rufous male. 
I was surprised that my friend Mary Kippes who was birding with me found a 
Hermit's Thrush, Fox Sparrow, and Catbird near the water at Fawn Brook. At the 
feeders were Pine Siskin and Cassin's Finch
with a Downy and Black-capped Chickadees. 
Dry Gulch Road area
Many local birds Mountain Bluebirds, Pygmy and White-breasted Nuthatches. Pine 
Siskins, Mountain Chickadees, Flycatcher and many hummers at the flowers. 
Western Tanager.
Old South St. Vrain road 
(late in afternoon heat) Towhee, Flycatchers and others chipping in the trees. 
It seemed yesterday the mountains and foothills were the best place to bird and 
cooler too.
Norma Erickson
Greeley, Colorado

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