Compiler:     Joyce Takamine
Date:           September 3, 2012
email:          rba AT
phone:         303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Monday, September 3, 2012,
sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird
Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording
by pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your
name, phone number, detailed directions, including county and dates for
each sighting.  It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include: (* denotes that there is new information on this
species in this report)

Little Blue Heron (Adams)
Green Heron (Mesa)
Broad-winged Hawk (Adams)
Short-billed Dowitcher (Morgan, Washington)
Sabine's Gull (*Arapahoe)
Greater Roadrunner (Huerfano)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (*Prowers, Yuma)
Black Phoebe (Fremont, *Pueblo)
Eastern Phoebe (Fremont, *Pueblo)
Great Crested Flycatcher (*Prowers, Yuma)
Tennessee Warbler (*Pueblo, Washington, Yuma)
Nashville Warbler (*Jefferson)
Northern Parula (Adams, Lake, Larimer)
Blackburnian Warbler (Jefferson)
Pine Warbler (Phillips, *Prowers, Yuma)
Blackpoll  Warbler (*Prowers)
Black-and-white Warbler (Washington)
Worm-eating Warbler (Adams)
Ovenbird (Weld)
Northern Waterthrush (Morgan, *Pueblo, Yuma)
Hooded Warbler (Pueblo)
Northern Cardinal (*Prowers)
Indigo Bunting (Weld)

Adams County:
--A Little Blue Heron in transitional phase plumages was reported by Canter
at Lowell Ponds on July 19.  It was along the shore and on the island of
Heron Lake.  Lowell Ponds is at 56th and Lowell.  On August 13, Gilbert
reported that the Little Blue Heron was along the shore of the island in
Heron Lake.  On August 16 Mlodinow reported the Little Blue Heron was along
the shore of Heron Lake.  On August 23, Gilbert reported that the Little
Blue Heron was at the west end of Lowell Ponds in a pond near the parking
lot.  On August 24, Canter reported that the Little Blue Heron was at the
west end of Heron Lake.  On August 27, Hudak reported that the Little Blue
Heron was in the pond west of the parking lot.  On August 28, Mayfield
reported that the Little Blue Heron was in a pond W of the Lowell Parking
lot and South of Clear Creek.   On August 29, Chavez reported that the
Little Blue Heron was in the pond on the left from the parking lot on the S
side of the river.
--A Broad-winged Hawk was reported by Gilbert at 76th and Zuni on August 28.
--A Worm-eating Warbler and Northern Parula were banded at the Barr Lake
Banding Station on August 28 - August 30 as reported by McBurnery.

Arapahoe County:
--A juv Sabine's Gull was reported by Walbek at Cherry Creek SP on
September 2.

Fremont County:
--Black and Eastern Phoebes were reported by Moss on August 29 along the
Canon City Riverwalk between Sell's and Raynolds.

Huerfano County:
--2 Greater Roadrunners were reported by Neldner on the W end of Horsehoe
Lake on August 28.

Jefferson County:
--A SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER was reported by Faulkner on the Van Bibbler
Trail in Arvada on August 25.  The Trail Parking lot is on the W side of
Ward Road about 1/4 mi S of 58th Ave.  The SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER was
refound by Sanders on August 26 and on August 27 by Kilpatrick in the
location described by Faulkner.  The SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER was reported
by Wathen and Burt on the Van Bibbler Trail on August 28.  On August 29,
the Boulder Bird Club and Ira Sanders saw the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher at
8:45, then Lowrie et al observed it again at 11:00 to 11:30 on the north
side of the Van Bibber Trail east of the yellow hydrant.  On September 1,
Smart reported the SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER on the fence at the Van
Bibbler Trail.  On September 2, King reported the SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER
at Van Bibbler Park.
 --A m Blackburnian Warbler was reported by Henwood at Bear Creek Lake Park
on September 1.  It was where Bear Creek enters the lake.
--A Nashville Warbler was reported by Henwood on September 2 at Bear Creek
Lake Park.  It was in Willows near the inlet.

Lake County:
--A f Northern Parula was reported by Kalbach at Twin Lakes Village on
September 1.

Larimer County:
--A first fall f Northern Parula was reported by Nelson at the beginning of
the Cub Lake Trail in Rocky Mt NP on August 31.

Mesa County:
--A Green Heron was reported by Arnold on August 28 on the Colorado River
Trail accessed from 29 Road in Grand Junction.

Morgan County:
--A juvenal plumaged CURLEW SANDPIPER was reported by Mlodinow at Jackson
Reservoir on August 23.  Park by the dam, walk east along the dam face, at
about marker "18" scan to north about half mile away.  The CURLEW SANDPIPER
was with a BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER.  Rubber boots are highly recommended.
 Mlodinow also reported 2 juv Short-billed Dowitchers at Jackson on August
23.  On August 27, Norm Lewis relocated CURLEW SANDPIPER and BUFF-BREASTED
SANDPIPER at Jackson.  On August 29 Drummond relocated the CURLEW SANDPIPER
after walking out from the west side campground to waters edge.  Drummond
also reported 2 BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPERS at the inlet canal and a
Short-billed Dowitcher at Jackson on August 29.
--An imm f MOURNING WARBLER was reported by Mlodinow at Jackson Lake SP on
August 31.  It was halfway between the Visitor Center and boat launch in
Russian Olives.  Mlodinow also reported 2 BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPERS at
Jackson on August 31.
--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Mlodinow at Andrick Ponds SWA on
August 31.

Phillips County:
--At Holyoke Cemetery on September 1, Mlodinow reported a Pine Warbler.

Prowers County:
--At Fairmount Cemetery in Lamar on September 2, Leatherman reported 1 f
molting Pine Warbler.
--At Lamar Community College woods on September 2, Leatherman reported 1
Great Crested Flycatcher at the north ened, 1 first fall f Blackpoll
Warbler, 4 Northern Cardinals, and heard a Red-belllied Woodpecker.

Pueblo County:
--At Valco Ponds/Rock Canyon on September 1, Percival reported 1 Tennessee
Warbler, 1 Northern Waterthrush, 5 Black Phoebe, and 3 Eastern Phoebe.

Washington County:
--At Last Chance on August 29, Leatherman reported a 1st fall f Tennessee
Warbler feeding on aphids on the N side in a thistle patch.
 --At Last Chance on August 31, Walbek reported ALDER FLYCATCHER.
--At Prewitt at the inlet canal on August 31, Walbek reported
Black-and-white Warbler.
--A Short-billed Dowitcher was reported by Norm Lewis at Prewitt on August

Weld County:
--An Ovenbird was reported by Mlodinow at Crow Valley on August 31.
--An Indigo Bunting was reported by Mlodinow at Norma's Grove on August 31.

Yuma County:
--At Beecher Island on September 1, Mlodinow reported BLUE-HEADED VIREO,
Northern Waterthrush, 5 Red-bellied Woodpeckers, and 2 Great Crested
--At Stalker Pond in Wray on September 1, Mlodinow reported EASTERN
WOOD-PEWEE (ad & juv), imm f MOURNING WARBLER, and Tennessee Warbler.
--At the Wray Fish Hatchery on September 1, Mlodinow reported Pine Warbler
and Red-bellied Woodpecker.

Help with the Fall Counts

Thursday, September 6
Barr Lake periphery.  This trip, mostly driving, good for people with
limited mobility or stamina.  Leader:  Dick Anderson (303-757-4582).  Phone
leader or send email at rholmesanderson AT  Meet at 0700 at
Barr Lake Entrance Station.

Saturday, September 8
Chatfield State Park.  Leader Joey Kellner (303-978-1748).  Meet at 0630 at
West (Deer Creek entrance to park.  State Parks Pass required.

Cherry Creek Reservoir.  Leaders Cheryl Teuton & Dan Brooks (303-912-3341).
 Meet at 0700 at Marina, inside west gate near Cherry Creek High School.
State Parks Pass required.

Waterton, downstream.  4-5 mile hike.  Wear long pants due to
bare-leg-unfriendly plants.  Leaders:  Hugh & Urling Kingery (303-814-2733).
 Meet at 0630 at Audubon Nature Center (Left Turn immediately after turning
onto Waterton/Roxborough road and before DOW parking lot for Waterton

Lower Bear Creek & Marston Reservoir.  Leader:  Chuck Aid, 303-674-3331,  Meet at 0630 at parking lot adjacent to Conoco Station
at the NE corner of Morrison Road and C470.  Will bird Bear Creek Lake Park
and Bear Creek Greenbelt in the morning and Marston Reservoir in the

Sunday September 9
Castlewood Canyon State Park.  Leader Kirk Huffstater (303-660-9298).  Meet
at 0630 at the Homestead.  From CO 86, 0.5 miles west of Franktown, turn
south on Castlewood Canyon Road, go 2 miles to old entrance;  Homestead is
first parking lot on the left.  State Parks pass required.

Barr Lake State Park.  This is a ten-mile, all-day hike around the lake.
 Leader:  Dick Schottler (303-278-8035).  Call leader if you plan to go.
 Meet at 0630 at RMBO, 14500 Lark Bunting Lane, South off Bromley Lane;
from I-76 first road east of railroad track.  State Parks pass required.

Rocky Mountain Arsenal.  Canceled due to 5-week well inspection that will
close the Arsenal to visitors.  Leader:  Urling Kingery (303-641-8823).

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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