Hi Cobirders,

Full report to follow soon. About 15 new birds banded today as we closed down 
the RMBO banding station at Chico Basin Ranch for the season.

The Eastern Birds continued.  Bird(s) of the day THREE Winter Wrens all about 
identical, all Hatch-year birds, and all caught in the same 20' area in about 
20 minutes after being seen close to the ground several times over the previous 
hour. Amazing.  Last one banded at CBR we think was 2002.

Besides those - an Orange-crowned Warbler, several Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a 
small male HY Sharp-shinned Hawk, and several Hermit Thrush, new and many 
banded in the last few days.  Also the Mountain Bird irruption continued with 
another Mountain Chickadee banded, to go with the nuthatches, solitaires, and 
towhees we've caught recently.

Also at the Holmes Grove, John Drummond's found an unbanded Philadelphia Vireo, 
plus MANY good birds around the HQ in Pueblo Co.

Those reports to follow, too, I'm sure.

Good birding,

Steve Brown
Colorado Springs

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