Fruitgrowers Reservoir (aka Harts Basin) is a great place to add species to
the year list in mid-Apr! I went yesterday to view heronry (which is no
longer active - 73 empty nests). I wasn't chasing Dave Galinat's Little
Blue Heron really. Best news was that I found a new heronry just downstream
from Hwy 65 bridge over Gunnison Riv. with 25 nests. Also ran into Dick
Filby leading a bird tour. FOS birds have asterisk on eBird list. Besides
gulls at Fruitgrowers, I saw a large flock of mostly Franklin's over
Walmart parking lot in Delta. This is probably the most gulls I have ever
seen in one day in western CO since moving here!

At home later in the evening I saw 2 Peregrine Falcons in an all-out aerial
duel - best show of the day!

Fruitgrowers Reservoir, Delta, US-CO
Apr 18, 2013 2:25 PM - 3:20 PM
Protocol: Traveling
3.0 mile(s)
31 species (+1 other taxa)

Snow Goose  16     seen well from North Rd across causeway with spotting
scope. Dick Filby and field trip participants also saw them.
Canada Goose  42
Mallard  65
Cinnamon Teal  11*
Northern Shoveler  14
Green-winged Teal  43
Redhead  4
Ring-necked Duck  2
Bufflehead  2
Common Loon  1*
Pied-billed Grebe  2
Eared Grebe  2*
Western Grebe  134
Great Blue Heron  1
Osprey  1*
Northern Harrier  1
American Coot  11
Sandhill Crane  9
Black-necked Stilt  2*
American Avocet  2*
Willet (Western)  2*
Wilson's Phalarope  2*
Franklin's Gull  7*
Ring-billed Gull  27*
California Gull  1*
Belted Kingfisher  2
Common Raven  2
Tree Swallow  15
Barn Swallow  1*
swallow sp.  1
Red-winged Blackbird  3
Western Meadowlark  2

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Jason Beason
Paonia - Delta Co.

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