Interesting mix of corvids today - Oct. 4th


11-12 Pinyon Jays

2-3 Clark's Nutcrackers

As well as 

5-6 Steller's Jay

1 BB Magpie

28-30 American Crow



3 Audubon's Warblers

10 House Finch

2 Spotted Towhee

1 hummingbird (probably Broad-Tailed, although I only had a poor look).

1 Lesser Goldfinch

1 Downy Woodpecker


Update on Lyons area birding spots impacted by the flooding:

-        Old South St. Vrain Road, off Hwy 7, looks okay, although the
vegetation will be scoured away in the lowest areas.   Road is passable, but
only for Lyons residents.

-        Two ponds south of the new McConnell Bridge to the high school
(common merganers nest there) are both gone.the St. Vrain river is now
running through there, and NOT under the bridge, which looks fine.

-        Pella Crossing looks torn up. the outhouse by the main parking lot
is now tipped into a 15 foot deep washout.

-        Hwy 36 to Estes and Hwy 7 to Allenspark are completely impassable,
we can get to Spring Gulch via Apple Valley Rd, which is pretty good.

-        Downtown Lyons looks okay (just now getting power back, no water or
sewer), but all areas down by the river have been changed quite a bit; I
heard 76 houses are gone/destroyed.


Both St. Vrain rivers have changed their paths.the City of Lyons is
attempting to get permission to reroute them back.not sure how that process


Raymond Davis - at 6,000 ft. NW of Lyons in open Ponderosa

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