Date:  12 May 2014
Time:  Noon - 4PM
Location:  Barr Lake - Mostly between the bridge at the visitor's center to 
the Pioneer Trail

I started birding in the snow and ended up staying out for a few hours. 
 There were many, many thrushes around, mostly Swainson's, some Hermit's, 
and one Veery.  Also Gray Catbird.  For sparrows, I had Song, Lincoln's, 
Chipping, Clay-colored, Lark, White-crowned, and one White-throated 
Sparrow.  Also a Green-tailed Towhee.  I added one Orchard Oriole to the 
many Bullock's.  Warblers included the usual suspects plus Yellow-breasted 
Chat, MacGillavray's, and Townsend's.  Other birds of possible interest 
were a Peregrine Falcon, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Warbling Vireo, Eastern 
Kingbird, Least, Dusky, and one or two dozen unidentified Flycatchers, and 
many soaring pelicans.  

Before I left my development I also had a Northern Mockingbird just to kick 
start things.  Not a bad day.  

John Breitsch
Denver, Colorado

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