Way to go, Chris!

Doug Swartz and I did a Big Day by bike on the 14th as part of the Fort 
Collins Audubon Society Birdathon. We well understand the challenges you 
faced (we also had to deal with a tire puncture) and the rewards. 

Doug and I purposefully limited ourselves to the Poudre River corridor in 
order to bring attention to local efforts to get it designated by National 
Audubon as an Important Bird Area. Our purpose-driven itinerary gave us a 
good hook for Birdathon fundraising but being in essentially the same 
habitat all day long limited our species count to 84. We also spent a long 
time watching a mixed flock of 500-1000 swallows because we decided that 
was more fun that trying to maximize our species count. But that meant we 
were there when a Peregrine Falcon came. Watching a Peregrine hunt swallows 
was just breathtaking!!! Aerial acrobatics at their best.

I echo your recommendation that people give Big Day by Bike a try!

John Shenot
Fort Collins, CO

On Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 9:00:48 AM UTC-6, Chris Rurik wrote:

> Hello all --
> On Saturday I made my first attempt at a Big Day on Bike. My route was 
> basically St. Vrain Mountain - Allenspark - Old St. Vrain Road - Lyons - 
> Longmont - Union Res - Sandstone Ranch, with lots of additional stops 
> thrown in. In the weeks leading up to it I had no time for scouting and 
> very little time for e-scouting, so I just went for it.
> No rare birds, but lots of highlights:
> - Sunrise in the mountains. First bird Brown Creeper, second bird 
> Townsend's Solitaire, then I heard an irregular tapping and found a 
> Williamson's Sapsucker! The hot start continued with Cassin's Finch, all 
> three nuthatches, singing Ruby-crowned Kinglets, etc. A calm gray morning.
> - Just below Ferncliffe I hit another great batch of birds: Brewer's 
> Blackbirds, Mountain Bluebirds, a Red-naped Sapsucker, Vesper Sparrow, 
> White-crowned Sparrow, and more.
> - Then the mist descended again and I feared for my day. Bombing down St. 
> Vrain Canyon was wet and frigid. The few times I was able to detect a bird, 
> it was near-impossible to see through my binoculars. I did manage a Dusky 
> Flycatcher. Since I wasn't pedaling much in the downhill wind chill, my 
> feet turned into blocks of ice.
> - Hall Ranch and Old St. Vrain Road. I got warmed up again and the 
> colorful birds came quickly: Western Tanager, Lazuli Bunting, Black-headed 
> Grosbeak, American Dipper, Plumbeous Vireo, BG Gnatcatcher, Western 
> Bluebird, Bullock's Oriole, etc. etc. With some additional care along the 
> road I found Lincoln's, Clay-colored, Lark, Song, and Brewer's Sparrows, 
> Swainson's Thrush, Gray Catbird, Cedar Waxwing. This was probably my 
> favorite birding spot all day.
> - Working the small reservoirs and agricultural areas west of Longmont I 
> managed Eastern Kingbird, Belted Kingfisher, Wilson's Warbler, GBH, Barn 
> Owl, Savannah Sparrow, Loggerhead Shrike, and a few other new birds.
> - McIntosh Lake, which I had scheduled just for a quick scan, turned out 
> to be clutch with Western Grebe, another Dusky Flycatcher, Redhead, all 
> three teals, and a Least Sandpiper with an impressive number of Spotteds.
> - Union Res. was largely a bust with significant heat waves, but some Bank 
> Swallows were cruising around near the S entrance. At this point I had no 
> idea how many birds I had seen nor if it was worth trying bird my last 
> planned stop...
> - At Sandstone Ranch I loaded my bike into the car and got to leisurely 
> bird with Mimi. We found three species new for the day: Green-tailed 
> Towhee, Wild Turkey, and Wood Duck.
> - I had been sick as a dog on Wednesday night, so I was glad to be feeling 
> great on my bike. The day left me energized, not exhausted!
> A few lessons for future biking big days:
> - This is awesome. I love being outside all day, no car to hide me from 
> the elements and birdsong. I'll definitely be doing more big days on my 
> bike. Hugely encourage others to try.
> - Several factors limited my success: lack of scouting, lack of targets 
> (i.e. I didn't really know if I should stay in a certain place and try to 
> dig out more species), slowing down throughout the day to meet up / bird 
> with Mimi, and often only having one set of eyes and ears.
> I must hugely thank Mimi for driving me to the start point and 
> accompanying me throughout much of the day. What a grand day it was.
> Oh yeah! A species total: 101.
> Chris Rurik
> Denver CO

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