Hi all,
Getting a little carried away here, but I thought I'd write a quick update
before getting some rest. (Hoping for a snow day tomorrow and a canceled
rehearsal :-).

I spent several hours this evening mining for data on the CBRC pages on
CFO's website (what a great resource, special thanks to Peter Gent, and
others as well, certainly) and also on eBird. There's more to be found I'm
sure, but another day...

The species total stands at *369*, or roughly 71% of the species recorded
in Colorado.

A couple of ideas occurred to me while preparing the list to be merged with
Bryan's community-generated or crowd-sourced Google doc.
One is the potential desire for anonymity. I have been gathering only 3
sets of data in addition to the species: name of the lister (or property
owner), city, and county. If anyone would like to remain anonymous, please
let me know. I can change the entry to read: "homeowner".

I think it would be nice to include as many of us in the list (as viewers)
as possible, because it really is a community effort. I'll do my best to
make sure all who have contributed by submitting lists, or replied to this
thread have at least several species entries.

I decided not to try to add dates for each sighting in an effort to keep it

If you have any suggestions, feel free to email me. I'll send out a list of
species not yet ticked, in case that might be useful. Still trying to get
around to replying to all directly, but it might be a few days yet.

Thanks again to all who have contributed!


On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 10:40 AM Thomas Heinrich <teheinr...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> Every now and then one of us will share the excitement of adding a rarity
> or new species to a yard list, report yard list totals, or comment on local
> trends. And some of the lists, and variety of species, are really
> impressive (e.g. David Suddjian's, Gary Lefko's).
> Yellow Grosbeak, Pyrrhuloxia, Streak-backed Oriole, Long-billed Thrasher,
> Costa's Hummingbird, Laurence's Goldfinch, and even Anhinga come to mind as
> rarities that have shown up in or been observed from yards. (Perhaps the
> recent Brambling, too?)
> As a pretty obsessive yard lister (i.e. binocs always on, camera ready
> when outdoors, much of the time indoors too), I often wonder about others'
> experience with yard-listing.
> How long have you been keeping your list?
> What's your style of yard listing: casual, mainly feeder watching,
> moderate, dedicated, obsessed?
> How many species?
> Rarest, or favorite species?
> Most memorable experience?
> Location/habitat: urban, suburban, rural, etc?
> And the big question: if we tallied up all our yard lists, how close to
> Colorado's 520 species could we get?
> It seems likely that certain families would be less well-represented;
> shorebirds, waterfowl, and gulls, for example. But with neighborhoods
> lining bodies of water such as Boyd Lake, Lake Loveland, Marston Reservoir,
> Jackson Lake, and MacIntosh Lake (in Boulder), among many others, many of
> those species theoretically could have been counted on a yard list. Maybe
> some lucky person living on the shores of Boyd Lake has Long-tailed Jaeger,
> Slaty-backed Gull, and Garganey on their yard list!
> Wishing all good health, good birding, and an exciting Spring migration!
> --Thomas Heinrich
> *My answers to the questions above*:
> 15 years
> Dedicated to obsessive
> 152 species
> Wood Thrush, Yellow-throated Warbler, N Cardinal, Common Redpoll, Bohemian
> Waxwing
> Watching spring raptor migration from the roof-top, 35 Broad-winged Hawks
> among 130 raptors of 10 species on one high-flow day (4/18/2020)
> Interface between suburban and open space, base of foothills, el. 5600'
> --
> Thomas Heinrich
> Boulder, CO
> teheinr...@gmail.com
> www.pbase.com/birdercellist

Thomas Heinrich
Boulder, CO

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