> > 2, A general method.
> > We also try to get the list of functions to consider by writing a SmPL,
> > but this method is not feasible at present, because it is not easy to parse 
> > the comment
> > header information of these functions.
> The situation was improved once more also for the Coccinelle software.
> How do you think about to develop any more variants based on information
> from a script (like the following) for the semantic patch language?
> @initialize:python@
> @@
> import re, sys
> filter = re.compile(" when done")
> @find@
> comments c;
> identifier x;
> type t;
> @@
> t@c x(...)
> { ... }
> @script:python selection@
> input << find.c;
> @@
> if filter.search(input[0].before, 2):
> sys.stderr.write(input[0].before + "\n=====\n")
> else:
> cocci.include_match(False)
> @display@
> identifier find.x;
> type find.t;
> @@
> *t x(...)
> { ... }
> Does such a source code analysis approach indicate any details
> which should be improved for the affected software documentation?
Thank you for your example.
We currently use the following Ocaml script to automatically
collect functions that need to be considered.


let relevant_str = "use of_node_put() on it when done"

let contains s1 s2 =
    let re = Str.regexp_string s2
        try ignore (Str.search_forward re s1 0); true
        with Not_found -> false

let relevant_functions = ref []

let add_function f c = 
    if not (List.mem f !relevant_functions)
        let s = String.concat " "
            (List.map String.lowercase_ascii
               (function x ->
                 (Str.regexp "[a-zA-Z_\\(\\)][-a-zA-Z0-9_\\(\\)]*$")
               x 0) (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ .;\t\n]+") c)))) in
             Printf.printf "comments: %s\n" s;
             if contains s relevant_str
               Printf.printf "Found relevant function: %s\n" f;
               relevant_functions := f :: !relevant_functions;

identifier fn;
comments c;
type T = struct device_node *;

T@c fn(...) {

f << r.fn;
c << r.c;

let (cb,cm,ca) = List.hd c in
let c = String.concat " " cb in
add_function f c

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