> let add_function f c =
>     if not (List.mem f !relevant_functions)
>     then
>       begin
>         let s = String.concat " "
>           (
>             (List.map String.lowercase_ascii
>            (List.filter
>              (function x ->
>                Str.string_match
>                (Str.regexp "[a-zA-Z_\\(\\)][-a-zA-Z0-9_\\(\\)]*$")
>              x 0) (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ .;\t\n]+") c)))) in

I would interpret one of these function calls in the way
that text splitting is performed here also for space characters
after a concatenation was performed.

>              Printf.printf "comments: %s\n" s;
>              if contains s relevant_str
>              then
>                Printf.printf "Found relevant function: %s\n" f;
>                relevant_functions := f :: !relevant_functions;
>       end
> @r@
> identifier fn;
> comments c;
> type T = struct device_node *;
> @@
> T@c fn(...) {
> ...
> }
> @script:ocaml@
> f << r.fn;
> c << r.c;
> @@
> let (cb,cm,ca) = List.hd c in
> let c = String.concat " " cb in
> add_function f c

Can an other data processing variant be more reasonable?


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