
New Message on cochindotnet

From: BachiGuddi1
Message 1 in Discussion

Hi all ,       After completing three .NET projects , i have reached following 
conclusion about programming the virtual machine based apps ( .NET , JVM ).    
Programming with P-Code based programming languages in the long run will encourage 
people to code in a sloppy manner. While programming C#  ( for that matter with java   
) ,  effort involved is very less. Now code can be written as if we are writing 
english prose.  Since the level of abstraction is high with modern day libraries , 
most of the code now includes library calls and some string  (data ) manipulatin. With 
the Ease of effort comes the flip side of the story , Code with out logical structure. 
Adding to the woes , library woes force people to cut and paste code from internet web 
sites.   This kind of  (so-called) indiscipline becomes a problem when one is supposed 
to code in C/C++ (also) , at the same time.    What are ur thoughts ? I am interested 
in hearing .     Praseed Pai www.praseedpai.com   P.S:- I can go home early thanks to 
C# and java . Everything will look fine in the beginning. Debugging libraries (which 
we do not have any control )  forces one to sit before the machine or google search 
engine, to come up with work arounds for days at a stretch. Is it progress ? or 
signsof time ?              


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