
New Message on cochindotnet

From: BachiGuddi1
Message 1 in Discussion

Hi ,   I had given a talk on .NET reflection API and on the fly code generation in the 
month of august at Cochin .NET user group meeting.  I forgot to upload the power point 
slides. ( due to severe work pressure.)   u can download following materials    
ReflectionAug7972000 - Power point slides TypeList.cs   - Sample code wrote  
ExprIL.pdf   - Expression evaluator source code      During the talk , i mentioned 
about a good presentation from  monash university,which is capable of teaching all (?) 
about reflection API.   u may download it from  (Attn mathew !) 
http://medialab.di.unipi.it/web/AP/Reflection.ppt Praseed Pai www.praseedpai.com      
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