I'm new at programming in Cocoa, and if it is not rude to post a big block of code to this list, I'd like to show you all a class I developed and ask you to tell me about all the ways I've screwed it up!


I'm trying to learn Chinese and I have a bunch of comic books to (try to) read. Because writing is done with ideograms instead of an alphabet, it's a bit of a pain to look words up in a dictionary, so you wanna make notes to avoid having to look up the same character again when you find it on the next page. Making notes on paper is not ideal because it's hard to make them into a good reference; but making notes on the Mac is hugely annoying because it's annoying to start typing and find you haven't selected the right keyboard layout.

So what I want is an app that lets me enter word, pronunciation, and definition in separate fields that REMEMBER the proper keyboard layout and switch automatically when you enter and exit the fields.

I want to somehow connect my app to another app's text editor window and tell it to transfer in a given format (hopefully HTML or RTF so that the pronunciation and definition can be hidden until I need to refer to them) so that I can do most of the typing in my little app window and each time I've finished typing the word, pronunciation, and definition, I can smack a button that will copy the finished product to the pasteboard and send a signal to the other app to paste it.

The class I have to show to you today is the formatter that holds the word, pronunciation, and definition as the user types them in, and is ready at any time to provide them properly formatted in a variety of ways. The best of these so far is HTML format, which hides the pronunciation and definition in a tooltip!

Actually, the class seems to work pretty well, but the copyAsHtml and copyAsRtf methods seem to put garbage on the clipboard. I have pored over Apple's documentation regarding the pasteboard and converting an attributed string to RTF, but there must be some crucial point I am missing.

So I am looking for advice about how to get copyAsHtml and copyAsRtf to work correctly, but also advice about anything else that I may be doing wrong in the class.

Um, I guess I should ask: If this is not the proper place to be sharing code like this, I would be happy to learn the better alternative. I'm hoping to occasionally post classes as the app develops and get feedback.

Here's my class:

//  Formatter.h

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface Formatter : NSObject {
  NSString* word;
  NSString* pronounciation;
  NSString* definition;
  NSPasteboard* thePasteboard;

-(NSString*)pronounciationSurroundedBy:(NSString*)surroundChars withDefinitionSeparatedBy:(NSString*)sep;



@property(readwrite, copy) NSString* word;
@property(readwrite, copy) NSString* pronounciation;
@property(readwrite, copy) NSString* definition;


//  Formatter.m

#import "Formatter.h"

#define DOUBLE_QUOTE @"\""

@implementation Formatter

  if ( s == NULL ) {
    return @"";
  } else {
return [ s stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[ NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet ] ];

+(NSString*)surroundNonEmptyString:(NSString*)text with: (NSString*)surroundChars
  if ( [ text length ] > 0 && surroundChars != NULL ) {
    int numChars = [ surroundChars length ];
    if ( numChars > 0 ) {
      unichar l = [ surroundChars characterAtIndex:0 ];
unichar r = ( numChars == 1 )? l : [ surroundChars characterAtIndex:1 ];
      return [ NSString stringWithFormat:@"[EMAIL PROTECTED]", l, text, r ];
  return text;

+(NSString*)concatString:(NSString*)a withString:(NSString*)b separatedBy:(NSString*)sep
  int aLen = ( a != NULL ) ? [ a length ] : 0;
  int bLen = ( b != NULL ) ? [ b length ] : 0;
  if ( aLen > 0 && bLen > 0 ) {
    return [ NSString stringWithFormat:@"[EMAIL PROTECTED]@%@", a, sep, b ];
  } else if ( aLen > 0 ) {
    return a;
  } else if ( bLen > 0 ) {
    return b;
  } else {
    return @"";

  // Ensure all our data member variables have legal values
  word = @"";
  pronounciation = @"";
  definition = @"";

  // Prepare the pasteboard (clipboard) to recieve our clippings
  thePasteboard = [ NSPasteboard generalPasteboard ];

NSArray* clippingTypes = [ NSArray arrayWithObjects: NSStringPboardType, NSRTFPboardType, NSHTMLPboardType, nil ];
  [ thePasteboard declareTypes:clippingTypes owner:self ];
  return self;

  word = [ Formatter trimmedString:s ];
@synthesize word;

  pronounciation = [ Formatter trimmedString:s ];
@synthesize pronounciation;

  definition = [ Formatter trimmedString:s ];
@synthesize definition;

return [ Formatter surroundNonEmptyString:pronounciation with:surroundChars ];

-(NSString*)pronounciationSurroundedBy:(NSString*)surroundChars withDefinitionSeparatedBy:(NSString*)sep
return [ Formatter concatString:[ self pronounciationSurroundedBy:surroundChars ] withString:definition separatedBy:sep ];

  if ( [ word length ] > 0 ) {
    NSString* parens = @"()";
NSString* pd = [ self pronounciationSurroundedBy:parens withDefinitionSeparatedBy:@" " ];
    if ( [ pd length ] > 0 ) {
NSString* sep = ( [ pd characterAtIndex:0 ] == [ parens characterAtIndex:0 ] ) ? @" " : @" - "; return [ Formatter concatString:word withString:pd separatedBy:sep ];
    } else {
      return word;
  } else {
    return @"";

NSString* w = [ Formatter surroundNonEmptyString:word with:DOUBLE_QUOTE ]; NSString* p = [ Formatter surroundNonEmptyString:pronounciation with:DOUBLE_QUOTE ]; NSString* d = [ Formatter surroundNonEmptyString:definition with:DOUBLE_QUOTE ];
  return [ NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@, %@", w, p, d ];

NSString* pd = [ self pronounciationSurroundedBy:@"()" withDefinitionSeparatedBy:@" " ];
  if ( [ word length ] > 0 && [ pd length ] > 0 ) {
return [ NSString stringWithFormat:@"<a title=%@>%@</a>", [ Formatter surroundNonEmptyString:pd with:DOUBLE_QUOTE ], word ];
  } else {
    return word;

NSString* pd = [ self pronounciationSurroundedBy:@"()" withDefinitionSeparatedBy:@" " ];
  NSAttributedString* result;
  if ( [ word length ] > 0 && [ pd length ] > 0 ) {
NSDictionary* attrsDictionary = [ NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:pd forKey:NSToolTipAttributeName ]; result = [ [ NSAttributedString alloc ] initWithString:word attributes:attrsDictionary ];
  } else {
    result = [ [ NSAttributedString alloc ] initWithString:word ];
  return result;

NSData* data = [ [ self asText ] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding ];
  [ thePasteboard setData:data forType:NSStringPboardType ];

NSData* data = [ [ self asCsv ] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding ];
  [ thePasteboard setData:data forType:NSStringPboardType ];

NSData* data = [ [ self asHtml ] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding ];
  [ thePasteboard setData:data forType:NSStringPboardType ];

  NSAttributedString *attrString = [ self asAttributedString ];
  NSRange wholeStringRange = NSMakeRange( 0, [ attrString length ] );
NSData* data = [ attrString RTFDFromRange:wholeStringRange documentAttributes:nil ];
  [ thePasteboard setData:data forType:NSRTFPboardType ];



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