That looks familiar back when I dealt with adding an accessory view under sand 
boxing. I don't have the code base available to me to know what I did 
differently or remind me further, but I know I did something different in the 
sandboxed version than the non-sandboxed. There's a number of web pages you 
should find related to the save panel UI hierarchy under sand boxing that 
should help, though. Search on things like NSSavePanel, sandbox, NSRemoteView, 
Gary L. Wade (Sent from my iPhone)

> On Oct 19, 2015, at 8:22 AM, Marek Hrušovský <> wrote:
> I just went through my crashes and this thread popped up in google.
> I have additional information (one helpful method in the stack). Even if I
> dig deep I still can't figure out what can cause the issue. Is anyone able
> to get from "_hierarchyDidChangeInView" the line where it crashes?
> Anyway I created rdar://23165196
> Marek.
> Date/Time:       2015-10-14T19:16:34Z
> OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.11.0 (15A278b)
> Report Version:  104
> Exception Type:  SIGSEGV
> Exception Codes: SEGV_MAPERR at 0x7fc7a764438
> Crashed Thread:  0
> Thread 0 Crashed:
> 0   libobjc.A.dylib                      0x00007fff84dcbe5d objc_msgSend +
> 29
> 1   ViewBridge                           0x00007fff9519ea42
> -[NSVBAccessoryWindow _hierarchyDidChangeInView:] + 69
> 2   AppKit                               0x00007fff86593aea -[NSView
> _setSuperview:] + 2602
> 3   AppKit                               0x00007fff86592c28 -[NSView
> addSubview:] + 448
> 4   AppKit                               0x00007fff865fa754 -[NSWindow
> setContentView:] + 638
> 5   ViewBridge                           0x00007fff951d1253
> setWindowContentView + 75
> 6   ViewBridge                           0x00007fff951b5d8b
> -[NSRemoteViewBase setAccessoryView:] + 208
> 7   AppKit                               0x00007fff86df9ed8
> -[NSVBSavePanel(NSSavePanelSPI) _sendAccessoryView:] + 49
> 8   <com.myapp>                 0x000000010b56e3b0 0x10b4bf000 + 717744
>> On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 12:14 AM, Martin Wierschin <> wrote:
>> I just had a beta tester contact me about a very similar error/crash. It's
>> slightly different than I've seen before, but it certainly seems related.
>> The tester was closing a window backed by NSDocument. In response the
>> AppKit document machinery was attempting to create an NSSavePanel, to allow
>> the user to save or discard the file, but NSRemoteView threw an
>> exception[1].
>> As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I've come to anticipate this. I now
>> wrap the relevant NSDocument method to catch any exceptions and display a
>> warning alert that the system save panel is (apparently) temporarily
>> unavailable. This time the app crashed while trying to generate that alert;
>> -[NSAlert init] was loading some localized string and crashed[2].
>> I doubt this is going to be reproducible, but it's reported as
>> rdar://21881669.
>> ~Martin Wierschin
>> MyApp[807]: *** Assertion failure in -[NSRemoteView
>> setServiceObject:forKey:],
>> /SourceCache/ViewBridge/ViewBridge-105/NSRemoteView.m:3142
>>                failed: <NSRemoteView:> invalid
>>                in: NSInternalInconsistencyException line 0
>>                STACK TRACE:
>> ...
>>         libobjc.A.dylib   objc_exception_throw
>>         CoreFoundation    +[NSException raise:format:arguments:]
>>         Foundation        -[NSAssertionHandler
>> handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:]
>>         ViewBridge        -[NSRemoteViewBase setServiceObject:forKey:]
>>         Foundation        NSKeyValueNotifyObserver
>>         Foundation        NSKeyValueDidChange
>>         Foundation        -[NSObject(NSKeyValueObserverNotification)
>> didChangeValueForKey:]
>>         AppKit            -[NSDocument _preparedSavePanelForOperation:]
>> ...
>>         AppKit            -[NSDocument
>> canCloseDocumentWithDelegate:shouldCloseSelector:contextInfo:]
>>         AppKit            -[NSWindow __close]
>>         AppKit            -[NSControl sendAction:to:]
>> ...
>>         AppKit            NSApplicationMain
>>         MyApp             MyAppMain
>>         MyApp             start
>> Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
>> Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS atVM Regions Near:
>> ...
>> Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
>> 0 _CSGetNamedData
>> 1      _CFPropertyListCopyShared
>> 2
>> CFBundleCopyLocalizedStringForLocalization
>> 3          -[NSBundle
>> localizedStringForKey:value:table:]
>> 4              -[NSAlert init]
>> 5              +[NSAlert
>> alertWithMessageText:defaultButton:alternateButton:otherButton:informativeTextWithFormat:]
>> 6             __84-[MyApp
>> delayedWarnAboutUnavailableSavePanel:]_block_invoke
>> 7   libdispatch.dylib             _dispatch_call_block_and_release
>> 8   libdispatch.dylib             _dispatch_client_callout
>> ...
>> 17              -[NSApplication
>> nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]
>> 18              -[NSApplication run]
>> 19              NSApplicationMain
>> 20             MyMain
>> 21             start


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