On 17 Jul '08, at 6:13 AM, em wrote:

So, architecturally, for high speed transmission over a closed network neighborhood of say 9 minis, isn't there something like a "SuperSocket" that could co-ordinate these now '3' streams of info.

There's nothing "super" about it; just regular sockets. OS X supports multihoming, so a single computer can have multiple network interfaces, each with its own IP address.

If your program just opens a connection the usual way, just specifying the destination address and port, the kernel will decide which interface to route the packets through. (For example, if Ethernet only connects to the corporate intranet, but WiFi reaches a public base station, then connections to intranet IP addresses will be sent over Ethernet while those to public sites will go over WiFi.)

In ambiguous cases, where a host is reachable via multiple interfaces, the BSD socket APIs allows you to bind a socket to one of your interfaces to force it to use that one. In your case, the minis can probably reach another one by WiFi as well as FireWire, so you could force them to use FireWire by binding a socket to that interface. (Globally, you can control this by adjusting the priority of the interfaces in the Network pref pane. If FireWire has a higher priority than Airport, which I think it does by default, then the kernel will choose it preferentially.)

[This thread is more relevant to the macnetworkprog mailing list. You're more likely to reach networking gurus if you post over there.]


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