
I have to apologize here as the IB interface to transitions seemed like a sure thing to me so I just replied without testing--something I try to avoid. Anyhow, I've also tried to implement it in IB as well as in code, but you're right, no dice. Can't make it work on my end either.

Maybe someone else on the list is familiar with the IKImageView specifically and the subviews transitions more generically as I've notice other views you drag onto a window in IB also have this available. I was able to obtain the image view's image layer in the sublayers array, however, the memory address changes each time a new image is displayed so I can't set a transition on the actual image layer. I also tried to set a transition for a change to the sublayers on the root layer (the containing layer) of the image view and that doesn't work either.

I did find this online: , however he is swapping out IKImageViews and transitioning the view swapping. I suppose that works, but it seems to be a bit of a hack to me (no offense Devon, if you're on this list. Hacks are often necessary as this case is starting to prove. ;-) )

Any ideas you other Cocoa heads? Is it even possible to use a transition between images in a single IKImageView?



On Dec 2, 2008, at 2:36 AM, M Pulis wrote:


Tried the IB trick, not sure what else to do to start it as now my images do not show up at all.

My attract mode timer is still firing, calling setImageWithURL to change the picture every couple seconds, just nothing visual happens.

Turn off IB fade, pictures show and change fine.

Will try the code approach, but, I have my doubts as the IB trick sounds like it should have been all that is needed, and it does not work (in my case). I must be missing something.

Read the container doc... still not quite grokking - but getting clearer. Part of my problem is relative newness to cocoa and still battling lingo.


On Dec 1, 2008, at 7:57 PM, Matt Long wrote:


I haven't used IKImageView, however, it does implement the NSAnimatablePropertyContainer protocol: /apple_ref/occ/intf/NSAnimatablePropertyContainer

This means that you can set its transition animation for a key you specify. Most notably, the key you want is 'subviews' (I believe). Try something like this:

[imageView setAnimations: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:transition, @"subviews", nil]];

Where 'transition' is a CATransition animation. Something like this:

CATransition *transition=[CATransition animation];
[transition setType:kCATransitionFade];
[transition setSubtype:kCATransitionFromTop];
[transition setDuration:1.0f];

If you don't need to do it in code, you can also select a transition using Interface Builder. Just click on your IKImageView view in IB and select the "Effects" tab in the inspector. At the bottom you'll see a segment called "Transitions". Select "Custom" and in the Subview drop down, then select "Fade" for the Type.



On Dec 1, 2008, at 7:54 AM, M Pulis wrote:

Hello Cocoa folk,

My app uses an IKImageView in its main window. Until the user engages some function, the IK view sequentially displays slides prompting the user to become involved, a typical attract mode.

What is now requested is a transition such as fade (or any of the variety of transitions) instead. From reading about views, layers and transitions (oh my!), I am seeing more trees than forest....

What is the best approach to add transitions to an IKImageView? An outline should do, I ought to be able to figure out the calls by now.




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