
I am busy writing my first app using objective-c, cocoa, xcode, etc.
It is basically an app that will allow the user to compile meta data from several sources, select the bits he wants, and then write that meta data to the movie file. Think MetaX with more sources.

My main overall problem is:
How do I avoid spaghetti code with multiple views who need to interact with core data and each other?

I am a CS student, so I have been taught a lot of best-practices when it comes to architecture, and abstracting code. I have been trying my best to stay true to these principles, and have so far carved up my app and it's code into several class and views. This is the rough outline of the architecture at the moment:

*Started with a Core Data Application
*Removed the window from the default MainMenu.xib
*Added a new class called MainWindowController who was a MainWindow.xib file (main purpose for this was to avoid messing about with the default AppDelegate as it had so much code in there already) *The AppDelegate now instantiates the MainWindowController in awakeFromNib *MainWindowController holds a toolbar, a bunch of other components, and an NSTabView which it passes on to two other ViewControllers: **otherSourcesTagsViewController creates a new tab in the NSTabView and adds it own view to it. It has a bunch of nspopup button fields where the user can select from predefined information fetched from the core data repository **currentTagsViewController creates a new tab in the NSTabView and adds it own view to it. It has a bunch of text entry fields where the user can manually edit the tagged information that was chosen in the nspopup boxes in the otherSourcesTagsViewController

*sourcesSearchWindowController holds a window that is used as a sheet from MainWindowController. It is opened when the user uses the search box in the MainWindowController and allows the user to select which entries from core data to use to populate the nspopup boxes in the otherSourcesTagsViewController

Ok, at this point I am sure you are well and truly confused, so I figured I would explain the way I envision a standard use would be:

*app opens
*user opens a movie file with no metadata (yet)
*he enters the name of the movie the file is a recording off into the search-box in the toolbar *the sourcesSearchWindowController pops up its modal window, and downloads tagging information from online sources in addition to what is cached in the core data repository and displays that a list of results to the user *the user checks off which results he thinks is relevant, then clicks ok which dismisses the modal window *the user now uses the NSTabView to go to the view controlled by otherSourcesTagsViewController where he is presented with a bunch of NSPopups which have been populated with the information from the chosen search results. He works his way through the popup boxes, selecting the most accurate information (these might be from a variety of sources) *once that is done, he goes back to the nstabView and selects the view controlled by currentTagsViewController. This presents him with a bunch of text fields which are now populated by all the entries he selected from the nspopup menus, and he can make any fine adjustments he wishes *once he is happy with all the metadata, he goes to the save menu and the changes are written to the movie file

Ok, so this means that we have three different views/windows (all of which are instantiated by the MainWindow) who all interact with the core data: 1. the search picks out results and narrows down the number of hits (by user selecting the ones he likes) 2. the nspopup bar view picks those narrowed down results apart and pulls out the information for the user to mix and match single entries he likes 3. the textfield view displays the single selected elements from the popups and allows the user to make fine adjustments (will not be saved into core data)

At first I figured this was a nice way of designing things. Each separate view element/window has it's own controller, and thereby reducing the amount of different tasks that the MainWindowController needs to deal with. I am now reconsidering, as the amount of communication that will now have to happen between these three views is causing me many headaches, as I am struggling to see how I can get this all tied together. What I am hoping for, is that there is a way that the different views can create subsets of the core data repository (as in the search followed by the user selecting his desired results) which will be held in the managedObjectContext (or similar) and can then later be accessed by the other views. What I mean, is that one operation of narrowing down the set of data will be held so that a the next operation executed is now only executing on that narrowed set. This would mean that each of my views didn't need to communicate with each other, instead they would perform their "narrowing down" on the core data set, and then hand control back to the MainWindow, which would then use only that narrowed down set for the further activities.

If you have made it this far, congratulations! I know this is a mess, and I am sure there are plenty of you who are upset with me for going about this all wrong. I am sure a lot of people will disagree with the outlined workflow, and be able to suggest better ways, but I am for now primarily interested in solving this technical challenge, as this app will mostly be for personal use and it's main purpose is for it to be a learning experience for me.

This is also my first post to this community, so if I apologize if I have broken any written or unwritten rules. I hope someone will be willing to offer some advice, or partial solutions; and please let me know if parts require further explanation, or perhaps a diagram to clear things up.

Thanks for your time,

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