I am not using CFHost...

I use the CFSocketCopyAddress() on a CFSocketRef (my server socket) called TCPServer.

CFDataRef serverAddressData = CFSocketCopyAddress(TCPServer);
NSString *serverAddressString;
serverAddressString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@", [self addressHost:serverAddressData]];
NSLog(@"Server started at %@", serverAddressString);

and the addressHost function to return the ip address as follows:

- (NSString *) addressHost: (CFDataRef)cfaddr
        if (cfaddr == NULL) return nil;
struct sockaddr *pSockAddr = (struct sockaddr *) CFDataGetBytePtr (cfaddr);
        struct sockaddr_in  *pSockAddrV4 = (struct sockaddr_in *) pSockAddr;
        struct sockaddr_in6 *pSockAddrV6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)pSockAddr;
        const void *pAddr = (pSockAddr->sa_family == AF_INET) ?
        (void *)(&(pSockAddrV4->sin_addr)) :
        (void *)(&(pSockAddrV6->sin6_addr));
const char *pStr = inet_ntop (pSockAddr->sa_family, pAddr, addrBuf, sizeof(addrBuf));
        if (pStr == NULL) [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException
                                                                  format: @"Cannot 
convert address to string."];
return [NSString stringWithCString:pStr encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];

The NSLog result is : Server started at

Any ideas?

Thanx in advance...


On 2009/8/5, at 上午 1:52, Luke the Hiesterman wrote:

Have you tried using CFHost to get your IP?


On Aug 4, 2009, at 10:49 AM, James Lin wrote:

I am trying to make the iPhone a server and a client at the same time...

What I am trying to accomplish...

1. iPhone running my application opens a "server" socket and listens for incoming network connection from another iPhone running the same application. 2. The server socket has an "ip address" that i can register with my php/mysql server. 3. Another iPhone running my same app acts as the client gets the iPhone server's ip address from the server and make connection to the server iPhone. 4. The client iPhone sends a string "hello, I am James" to the server iPhone and the server iPhone reply with the user's choice of either "Hi, Nice to meet you" or "Get lost!" strings.

ps. the port number i chose was 2048

This is all i am trying to accomplish, but i am making slow progress and banging my head against the wall...
Any ideas/suggestions are greatly appreciated...

Thanx again...


On 2009/8/4, at 下午 11:50, Dave Camp wrote:

On Aug 4, 2009, at 5:43 AM, James Lin wrote:

Hi all,

Does anyone know the limitation of the iPhone simulator when it comes to networking?
Is it crippled on the simulator?

I've tried two seperate ways of opening up a "server" socket.

By "server" socket, do you mean you are trying to connect to a server somewhere, or that you are trying to open a low numbered (i.e. < 1024) port locally so that you can be a server?

The simulator cannot open low numbered ports for inbound connections but iPhones running OS 3.0 and later can.



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