I have a classical binding usecase: A NSArrayController is used for displaying the columns of a NSTableView. The columns itself therefore use the arrangedObject method of the NSArrayController. In the get methods of the model itself (which normally return an NSString* which should be displayed in the column), there could occur an exception. I want to catch that exception in the NSArrayController. I therefore subclassed the NSArrayController and overwrote valueForKeyPath with a simple:

- (id)valueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath {
        try {
                [super valueForKeyPath:keyPath];
        catch (...) {
// want to get here, if there is an exception thrown within the model class

Unfortunately it is only called with arrangedObjects. At that point no exception is thrown yet. Somewhere after that a valueForKeyPath must be executed on that returned arrangedObjects. Since I have not subclassed this proxy class, I cannot intercept its valueForKeyPath method and therefore cannot catch the exception. Is there a simple way to catch exceptions in the controller class which is thrown during calling a get method (over binding mechanims)?
Thanks for any help.

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