Thanks Dave. I am now trying to use an array controller. I have set up the 
array controller and an observer on arrangedObjects, and that gets called 
during my addition and removal of children, but the change kind is always 1, 
and there is never anything in the old or new value arrays, so nothing beyond 
this knows whether it was an insertion or a deletion. I'm not sure exactly how 
much use that is in managing my other objects.

On 23 Jan, 2011,at 03:54 AM, Dave Fernandes <> wrote:

Undo, which removes the child and triggers my pre and post processing to remove 
related items

This is the part that doesn't make sense to me. While you certainly have to 
worry about making sure your view is in sync with you data model, you should 
not have to update the nodes in your data model. Core data will do that for you 
on undo and redo.
The other things that need to remain in sync during undo and redo are not other 
nodes - they are some things that are managed at the view and controller layers 
of the application. I have some background threads that are processing data and 
need to know when a node is removed, and I have a mapping between the data and 
a number of front end objects and views, some of which may be animating at the 
time, as well as an intermediate model layer, and if any of those objects try 
to access the core data objects when they have been deleted, then all hell 
breaks loose. Therefore I have been sending notifications before the nodes are 
removed so that the processing thread can pick up on that and remove the node 
from the ones it is working on, and the animations can have their connections 
to the back end and other related objects cleaned up nicely. I don't know how 
else to accomplish a nice tidy up, since the animations and processing are 
using other threads, and may try to access the deleted node.

I guess the idea of the array controller is that now instead of accessing the 
children relationship directly I should always go through the array 
controller's arranged objects, but I'm afraid I still don't get how that would 
help with managing the nodes disappearing during undo before I knew about it. I 
guess the core issue may well be at levels above the data layer, but I'm not 
sure how to get around this.

To keep your view in sync, if you put a controller object between it and the 
data model, then the controller has to worry about when to stop observing the 
managed object, not your view (and the NS*Controller classes do this). Now your 
view just has to change state when it observes that the data has changed or 
gone away.
I'm not sure how this relates to my situation. When a node is added, my layout 
system runs in a background thread, and when it has worked out where the new 
node is going to go and where the existing nodes need to move to, it moves the 
existing ones to their new locations, and at that point creates a number of 
view level objects for the node, and registers the mapping between the node and 
its view counterpart. So now I have an array controller which lets me know when 
*something* has already changed.

The two issues I see with this are:
1. I have no idea what changed - KVO only tells me that something has changed 
with my children.
2. It only tells me after the event, and something in either an animation or 
background processing thread may have already tried to access the deleted node.

It may be more efficient if the view simply notes that a change has occurred in 
observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:, and then coalesces all updates 
in one place such as drawRect: (since observeValueForKeyPath: may get hit 
several times during the update of a single object).

Your view seems to follow all the intermediate changes of the data model within 
a single event cycle. That seems a bit fragile to me.
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by that or what to do about it.

Again, sorry for taking so much time to get this. I hope the curtains will soon 
part and I will see the light..


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