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On 10/7/11 10:25 PM, GW Rodriguez wrote:
> I have gone through many different threads on this, read the docs
> and went over a few example projects.  For some reason I cannot
> get reordering via drag and drop to work.  I have even created a
> new project with only a NSTableView with one column and pasted code
> from a working example and it still wont work.
> My guess is my error is somewhere around the
> registerForDraggedTypes method because I cannot even start the
> drag.  It only start to highlight multiple selections.  I dont
> fully understand that method and I should also note that all the
> example projects are document based projects and mine is not.

Code would really help here.

To get to the point where dragging *begins* you need to minimally do
the following:

1) Have a data source (an object that, in 10.6 and newer, conforms to
NSTableViewDataSource) properly set for your table.  I repeat: make
sure your data source is assigned to the object in which you are
implementing your dragging methods.

2) In your data source, return YES from

If you do this, you will be able to start a drag (but won't be able to
drop it anywhere yet).

Note what I did not mention:

* Whether the app is document based is irrelevant.

* You DON'T need to call -registerForDraggedTypes:.  This method is
used to set which pasteboard types the view potentially _accepts_ from
a drag.  If you don't register one or more types, the table view won't
let you drop a row that you are dragging, but it will let you begin a
dragging session.

* You DON'T need to implement anything other than a return in
–tableView:writeRowsWithIndexes:toPasteboard:.  Of course, if you
don't you won't actually be storing any pasteboard data, so the drag
will be useless - but the drag will still visually begin.

So, check on your implementation of the two steps listed earlier.  You
might consider breaking on
–tableView:writeRowsWithIndexes:toPasteboard: to make sure it's
getting called.

After you have nailed that down and can see a drag begin, you will
need to flesh out the full dragging procedure.  In particular:

1) DO call -registerForDraggedTypes: and give it an array of UTIs; for
a table view, this may be a single custom UTI you define for internal
use and which you will use in the dragging methods where required.

2) DO fully implement –tableView:writeRowsWithIndexes:toPasteboard:.
For row reordering purposes, it may be as simple as:

- - (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView
writeRowsWithIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)rowIndexes
toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard
        NSData *data = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:rowIndexes];
    [pboard declareTypes:[NSArray
    [pboard setData:data
        return YES;

3) DO implement
- -tableView:validateDrop:proposedRow:proposedDropOperation:, most
likely returning NSDragOperationMove for a row reordering operation.

4) DO implement -tableView:acceptDrop:row:dropOperation: to reorder
the rows and/or update the model (if appropriate), typically returning
YES if it's a simple row reordering.

Good luck - feel free to post a link to your sample project if you
can't get it to work.

- -- 
Conrad Shultz

Synthetiq Solutions

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