Thanks. I watched the one on "Seccure Automation Techniques in OS X." Near the 
end it said exactly what I wanted to hear which is that application-run scripts 
that target only themselves have no restrictions. So far it is half true in my 
app. I can run an AppleScript now without troubles. But many of my scripts are 
in python and use ScriptingBridge. I run these python scripts by launching an 
NSTask as follows

1. set  working directory to path for the script (which is in my sandbox)
2. set PYTHONPATH to some app-specific folders (all in my sandbox)
3. Launch task with command line like

          /usr/bin/python (path_to_script)

The task actually starts fine and python launches. The first step in every 
script is to connect to my app using ScriptingBridge with a python line like

       _gedit = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_(appID)

but this fails with error message

2013-01-15 19:26:38.954 Python[44491:1407] warning: failed to get scripting 
definition from 
/Users/nairnj/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/GEDitCOM_Pro-bimxoxdrzkwdkqgvskiwmvgvydje/Build/Products/Develop/GEDitCOM; it may not be scriptable.

Of course that is not true because the app is scriptable and works fine with 
AppleScript and with python when not sandboxed.

I was thinking my app is just receiving AppleEvents (as generated by python and 
ScriptingBridge), which is supposed to be allowed. But it does not work. The 
video mentions a new 10.8 class called NSUserUnixTask, which sounded promising, 
but its documentation specificlally says "The class is not intended to execute 
scripts built into an application; for that, use one of the NSTask... " Well I 
want to execute built in scripts so I am using NSTask, but so far without 

Has anyone be able to use NSTask to execute a python script to interact only 
with your own sandboxed app using ScriptingBridge?

John Nairn

On Jan 14, 2013, at 9:59 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:

> On 14 Jan 2013, at 17:50, John Nairn <> wrote:
>> I have sandboxed an app that allows users to run scripts as a major feeature 
>> (i.e., dealbreaker on sandboxing only answer is to delete this feature). I 
>> was pleased that I can run AppleScripts fine through the sandboxed app from 
>> Apple's Script Editor, but the user experience is much (much, much) better 
>> if they can select a script from a menu in my app and run it, but that 
>> method fails. Here is more info:
>> 1. Script running code is sound and works fine if app is not sandboxed.
>> 2. Script is compiled, error free, and does not try to send events to any 
>> app except my own
>> 3. Script is stored in application support of my container and therefore I 
>> should have read and write permission on that file
>> 4. The first step in running the script (which is when is fails) is simply:
>>    script = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL 
>> fileURLWithPath:scriptPath] error:&errorInfo];
>> The errorInfo dictionary has only NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = -43 and no 
>> other details. I could not find this error number in a google search.
>> 5. I have more problems running python scripts using Scripting bridge when 
>> sandboxed, but I am working on one problem for now
> Go watch the sandboxing videos from WWDC this year. They cover automation 
> quite a bit, and all will be made much clearer.

John Nairn
Genealogy Software for the Mac


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