Amen, brother.

Given my attributed string “attrStr,” I can indeed call 
attrStr.string.rangeOfCharacterFromSet(). But in typical Swift string fashion, 
the return type is as unfriendly as possible: Range<String.Index>? — as if the 
NSString were a Swift string.

So after doing two anchored searches, one at the beginning and one at the end 
of the string, if I get two different ranges, I’m stuck with two values that 
aren’t subtractable to determine the length of the NSRange I need in a call to 
attributedSubstringFromRange(). I think the safest thing for me to do for 
attributed string compatibility is give up on Swift purity and put my 
range-trimming function in an Objective-C file.



On April 2, 2015 at 2:15:07 PM, Quincey Morris 
( wrote:

On Apr 2, 2015, at 04:54 , Charles Jenkins <> wrote:

Swift has a built-in func stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(set: NSCharacterSet) 
-> String  

There is something wacky going on here — or not. (I know you don’t want to use 
this particular method, but I’m just using it as an example.)

First of all, String and NSString are different classes, for real. Quoting a 
god-like personage, in a recent thread:

On Mar 23, 2015, at 13:52 , Greg Parker <> wrote:

Most of NSString's methods are re-implemented in a Swift extension on class 
String. You get this extension when you `import Cocoa`.

And indeed, if you try this in a playground:

let strA = "Hello, string"
let strB = "Hello, NSString" as NSString
let a = strA.characterAtIndex (6) // line 3
let b = strB.characterAtIndex (6) // line 4

you get an error at line 3, as you would expect/hope (since Strings aren’t 
“made of” unichars), but no error in line 4 (since NSStrings are).

So it’s not odd that String.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet would return a 
String. What’s very odd is that *in Swift* 
NSString.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet returns a String — not a NSString — as 
does NSAttributedString.string, or apparently any Cocoa API that would return a 
NSString in Obj-C.

This means it’s not possible *in Swift* to apply NSString methods to a NSString 
and stay entirely within the NSString world without casting/converting. 
*That’s* wacky, given that String and NSString are different classes with 
different (though very similar) APIs.

The only way to un-wack this, that I can think of right now, would be for 
expressions like ‘someNSString.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet (…) as NSString’ 
to involve only a cheap or free conversion from String to NSString. However 
there is no API contract to this effect AFAIK.


1. We need a god-like personage to step in and un-wack this for real.

2. Subject to the outcome of #1, you can approach this entirely in the NSString 
world, in which case I like Uli’s suggestion, applied to 
'yourAttributedString.string as NSString’. You’d have to verify by performance 
testing that massive conversions aren’t being made.


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