On Apr 3, 2015, at 11:19 , Marco S Hyman <m...@snafu.org> wrote:
> The original code will return true only if all code points map to white space.

The “failure” I was talking about is something a bit different. It has two 

1. For Unicode code points that are represented by 2 code values, it tests the 
code values, not the code points. That’s wrong.

2. For graphemes that are represented by 2 or more code points, it still tests 
the code values, of which there could be 4 or more per grapheme. That’s also 
wrong. With the ‘for char in String (self)’ code, if you tested whether a 
decomposed acuteA was in the (7-bit) ASCII character set, you’d get the answer 

You could mitigate #1 by using UTF-32 code values instead of UTF-16, but that 
wouldn’t help with #2.


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