
For a portal prototype I am trying to describe how it should be built using
Cocoon. I have read about jetspeed and I tried to implement a portal page in
Cocoon. If i could use the portlet mechanism from jetspeed, this would
really simplify building a portal with Cocoon.

I can see two ways of achieving this:
- Access cocoon from jetspeed. This would mean producing portlet contents
from Cocoon. This would be possible by parsing serialized output, but this
way you would probably lose a lot of benefits portlets in jetspeed have.
Another way would be to call the Cocoon environment (something like the
CLI?) and outputting the SAX events in jetspeed. I haven't seen a clean way
to output the sax events in jetspeed, but haven't look at it detailed yet.

- Build portal actions, portal layout stylesheet, portlet logic sheets and
portlet configuration layout in Cocoon. This would be a lot more work and
the overlap with jetspeed would probably be very big. I cannot see if
jetspeed is "componentized" enough to use these components in Cocoon.

Can anyone comment on this or give me some hints on the approach.


Michael Homeijer

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