----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Homeijer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 10:29 AM
Subject: Cocoon and Jetspeed portal

> Hi,
> For a portal prototype I am trying to describe how it should be built
> Cocoon. I have read about jetspeed and I tried to implement a portal page
> Cocoon. If i could use the portlet mechanism from jetspeed, this would
> really simplify building a portal with Cocoon.

Apart from any opinion on portlets, there is a JSR too that wants to
standardize portlets, headed IIRC by IBM.

> I can see two ways of achieving this:
> - Access cocoon from jetspeed.

I haven't seen jetspeed recently, but it's how jetspeed usees/d cocoon.

> - Build portal actions, portal layout stylesheet, portlet logic sheets and
> portlet configuration layout in Cocoon. This would be a lot more work and
> the overlap with jetspeed would probably be very big. I cannot see if
> jetspeed is "componentized" enough to use these components in Cocoon.

This is very interesting. As for layout, you can see that cocoon examples
mimic a dashboard, a personal portal.
IMHO porlets are conceptually a Reader; cocoon pipelines are more flexible,
but it could be a great idea to be able to use ready-made portlets in
What is really missing in Cocoon, IMHO, is user handling. This is what is
really needed.
Authentication, authorization and preferences.
There was a suggestion back then to make it possible to use Turbine (IIRC
it's what jetspeed uses) in Cocoon too.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

These are the days of miracle and wonder...
          ...so don't cry baby, don't cry...
                                                  Paul Simon

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