Hi, team

i'd like to submit a EncodeURLTransformer into scratchpad,
is this okay?
I think this might help handling writting webapps using http sessions.

The encodeURL transformer emits encoded URLs.
  This transformer applies encodeURL method to URLs.
  You may want to use this transform to avoid doing the manually
  encodeURL() call.

  Usually this transformer is appended as last transformer before
  the serialization process. In this case it is possible to encode
  URLs introduced in the generator, and xslt transformer phase.

  You can specify which attributes hold URL values in order to restrict
  URL rewriting to specific attributes only. In the current implementation
  you specify include, and exclude patterns as regular expressions, 
  element-name + "/@" + attribute-name.

Usage in a sitemap:
      <map:transformer type="encodeURL"
      <map:transform type="encodeURL"/>

bye bernhard

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