> > I saw the mention and tried it in XMLSPy myself.  The result is
> > awful.  Attributes and child elements that are present are always set as
> > obligatory.  I would have to go through the whole list and adjust nearly
> > everything.  I'd rather reverse engineer by hand.
>Woops, i should be more careful with words. I meant
>reverse-engineered by hand. To do one of the previous
>editing sessions, i used an XML validator to process each
>*.xmap and watched what errors came up, then tweaked
>the DTD to add the missing things.
>I think that you mean "optional" rather than "obligatory".
>Most elements have zero-or-more children and most
>attributes are IMPLIED. If too much was obligatory, then
>none of the sitemap.xmap files would have validated.
>Yes everything does need adjustment.

No, XMLSpy sets most elements and attributes as "REQUIRED".  Specially for 
Actions this is very annoying since their parameters can change enormously.

I too am doing the "tweak until all errors are gone" method.  Of course 
some knowledge of the functionality of the component is necessary (more 
reading, studying ...)

I now have a DTD that validates the root sitemap.  I still need to tweak it 
so that XMLSpy only shows the attributes available for the tag being 
edited.  The v2 sitemap.dtd has no hierarchy for the elements.  They are 
just listed.


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