I now have a revised version of sitemap-v03.dtd (is sitemap-v03r.dtd a
suitable name?), against which all sitemap.xmap files in the src tree
validate, with two exceptions.

lint is an example of what is and isn't valid, so mustn't validate.

sitebuilder appears to generate a sitemap.xmap from a skeleton file.
The resulting file has at least two problems (maybe more, I didn't
check further).
Firstly, the skeleton (and therefore I presume the result) lists
selectors before matchers. I assume the author of sitebuilder could
easily change that.
Secondly, all elements have an id attribute. Now it seems quite
reasonable to me that all elements in a sitemap.xmap could have an
optional id attribute, and I could easily add that to the DTD. But in
that case it would only seem fair that the id attribute be declared of
type ID rather than CDATA, so that other applications could make use
of the id via IDREF type attributes. But sitebuilder uses integers for
it's id values, whereas type ID must start with an underscore or a
Could the owner of sitebuilder get in touch with me to discuss this,
so I can finish the DTD, please?
Colin Paul Adams
Preston Lancashire

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