Piroumian Konstantin wrote:
>>From: Reinhard Poetz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>>>(I'm not Ivelin, but:) The approach is Ok, but the goal is 
>>not so clear to
>>>me. Why would you need to initialize a bean using XML data 
>>without Java
>>>programming? If you use JavaBeans then you should have some 
>>>back-end that provides that bean, right? Then this 
>>processing back-end
>>>usually should provide default values for your model object be it
>>>a JavaBean
>>>or DOM.
>>I understand.
>>The only thing I have to do is to override 'getFormModel()' 
>>in my action
>>where I have to create a DOM object with the initial data, am I right?
> Yes, something like that. This one is better be answered by Ivelin.

You're both correct.

>>Then I have another question: In the example bean (UserBean) 
>>some values are
>>set by DOM nodes. What is the use case for this aproach?
>>(This part made me think that the bean is the right place to 
>>instanciate the
> Sorry, have no time to look into the implementation, but as I remember, this
> is done only for demonstration purposes. Normally, an application should use
> either JavaBeans or DOM objects, but not both.
> Let's see what Ivelin will say.

I will just confirm Konstantin's guess. I saved time to implement 2 
separate examples. If it is confusing, I would welcome more demo 


> Konstantin
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