> First of all, I think the thanks should go to Christian Queinnec, who came
> up with the idea, and to Christopher Oliver, who implemented continuations
> in Rhino. I just put all the things together and implement the support in
> Cocoon.

Thanks to all of you then ;-)

> Now, there are few points that have been raised here. I'll try to answer to
> all of them in this email, both as a way to synthesize this great
> discussion, and to minimize the time I take to respond to individual
> messages (otherwise I can easily spend my entire evening replying). Please
> raise your issue again if you don't see an answer for it here.

As well it's a good summary :-)

> 1. Stefano points out that flowmaps (I don't really like this term, a "map"
> is more appropriate for state machines, how about flowscript instead?)
> should not be considered as ordinary resources, but a separate concept. I
> have no issue declaring them in a different way, just to emphasize this
> point. So something like
>   <map:flowscripts default="calculator">
>    <map:flowscript name="calculator" language="javascript">
>      <map:script src="calc.js"/>
>    </map:flowscript>
>   </map:flowscripts>
> should be OK. Beside a different name for elements, the fundamental
> difference between this syntax and Stefano's is that it allows multiple
> files to contain the implementation of a flow script.

yepp, feel the same. flowscript make more sense currently.

> 2. (Stefano) How to encode the continuation ids.
> Stefano would like to have ContinuationURLEncodingTransformer, which takes
> care of encoding the continuation id. Sylvain points out that continuation
> ids can be passed not only as part of the URL, but also as request
> parameter.
> I think it makes sense to have a transformer which encodes the continuation
> URL. This would make it very easy to change the way the continuation id is
> generated, without having to go to each XSP, JSP, whatever and change it.
> The transformer would probably work best when the continuation id is
> encoded in the URL. When the id is encoded as a request parameter, there
> will be some awareness required from the page designer to have this id
> enclosed inside a form.

true... but does not sound like a problem

> 3. (Stefano) Template languages other than XSP to be used with the flow
> layer.
> This should certainly be possible, I've started with XSP because it was
> very easy to get implement. JSP and Velocity should be equally easy to
> implement though. We just need somebody to do it ;)

yepp - same as for 2.)

> 4. Stefano's callPipeline() function. Is this equivalent to
> sendPageAndContinue(), which is already implemented in the flow layer? It
> essentially allows you to have a page processed through a pipeline, and
> continue the execution of the script. BTW, I think your sitemap snippet has
> a bug in it, shouldn't it have the <map:match> names swapped?
> Also in your callPipeline(), how does the output parameter get used? It
> should be the task of the sitemap pipeline where the file is written. Am I
> missing something?

what about loading stuff from a pipeline? an stream does not look very useful 
in our little XML world

> 5. Ivelin points out the potential of stale continuations.
> I think this is indeed a real issue. One way to avoid it is to have
> continuations automatically expire after a time of inactivity, or do
> deactivate them manually in the flow script. The first approach is
> something I considered, and there are some hooks in the current code, but
> more support code needs to be written. The second approach can be
> implemented today: you can invalidate not only a single continuation, but
> the whole subtree of continuations which start from it. You just need to
> keep a hold on the continuation at the top of the tree, and invoke
> invalidate() on it.

that's one of the things that scares me off most!! this actually smells to be 
a security issue. (Think of a machine alway starting new continuation objects 
until or VM is out of memory...) We need a max limit of continuations like 
there is for sessions too. (Same problem also applies to sessions)

And we need a continuation-"janitor" to expire them...

> 6. Multi-page forms are not dominating, and continuation based compared to
> even driven (GUI-like) programming approaches.
> I used to program GUIs a lot, I think for certain things, event-driven is
> better than using continuations. I do think however that continuations have
> a place, especially for multi-page forms. Now I think it depends a lot on
> the application, whether these forms are prevalent or not.

What do think makes multi-page forms special in terms of not using an event 
driven approach? Somehow I'd consider the precept approach going this 
direction... a pressed button is mapped to a java function... not exactly 
event-driven but more like that...

> 7. Bruno's question regarding the advantage of flow scripts versus actions.
> The advantage would be that with flow scripts you can describe all the
> actions in a single flow script, where each action becomes a separate
> function.

I don't think that's the real advantage... I could have this easily with the 
MultiAction (hm.. is it still in scratchpad? I'll have look)

> Since these functions share the same global variables, it's very
> easy to share data between them. You can share data using the session
> object, but with explicit variables is much easier to follow what's going
> on.

true. but one could bind references to session variables so you can work with 
them as they were local. But you would have to set this up... but it's 

Even in java...

> If you don't care about sharing data between actions, then there's probably
> little value describing your action logic in a flow script. Other than the
> fact that you don't have to write Java code, which means compile, build war
> file, restart tomcat. With flow scripts, you just modify the script file
> and resend the request: the script is automatically reloaded and parsed by
> Cocoon, there's no need to restart anything.

Well, this also depends on the servlet engine. If you have your actions in 
WEB-INF/classes at least resin does fine and even auto-compiles them for 

> 8. Vadim's idea about making the syntax easier.
> I think the idea of having something as simple as:
> <map:match pattern="calc/*">
>   <map:flow method="calculator" continuation="{1}" />
> </map:match>
> makes a lot of sense. Using different matchers, the continuation id can be
> extracted from the request parameters, cookies, you name it. The only
> problem with it is that is a bit inflexible in terms of the URI design. If
> I'd like to have calc/kont/*, there's no easy way to specify it.

<map:match pattern="calc/kont/*">

Did I miss somehting?

> So I'd say we can have two alternative ways of writing this: using the
> above proposal and what is already implemented, for power users that want
> more control. How about this?

I think it would be cool not have it in the sitemap (or only in the root 
sitemap) so things happen more automagically... like with sessions

> 9. Reinhard asks what happens if two different flow scripts have a function
> with a similar name name.
> Since the flow scripts have their own variable space (not now due to some
> problems in the current implementation), there shouldn't be any problem.
> Each flow script can use its own variable and function names, without
> worrying about possible conflicts with other scripts.


> 10. Torsten asks how xmlform/precept could be implemented with flow
> scripts.

well, not exaclty... it was meant more generic...

> I think the more generic question is how to implement multi-page forms
> using flow scripts. It would also be nice if the validation could happen
> not only on the server side, but also in the client browser, using
> JavaScript if that's available.

that's the spirit ;-)

> Your example would become a lot simpler if you factor out the repetitive
> code in a function:
> var validator;
> var instance;
> var prefix;
> function wizard(uriPrefix) {
>   var id = cocoon.request.getParameter("someid");
>   var factory = SchemaFactory.getInstance("ns");
>   //maybe we can get the schema from a pipeline??
>   var schema = factory.compile("someschema.xsd.dtd.rng.sch");
>   validator = schema.createValidator();
>   instance = new Instance();
>   prefix = uriPrefix;
>   loadInstance(instance,id);
>   do {
>     showAndValidatePage(1);
>     showAndValidatePage(2);
>     showAndValidatePage(3);
>   } while(!validator.isValid(instance));
>   if(saveInstance(instance,id)) {
>    sendPage("success.html");
>   }
>   else {
>    sendPage("failed.html");
>   }
> }
> function showAndValidatePage(number)
> {
>    do {
>     sendPage(prefix + "page" + number + ".html");
>     Instance.populate(instance, cocoon.request);
>    } while(!validator.isValid(instance, "page" + number));
> }

Well, true! ..but how would I implement a step backwards? (see later)

> Torsten's example uses a heavily xmlform type of approach, where the data
> to be validated is kept in a Java object or a DOM tree.

Well, don't wanna be picky - but the precept approach ;-)

> This is one way of
> doing things; another one would be to use explicit variables which, at the
> end of the validation, could be written in the database directly, or used
> to construct a object hierarchy which is then saved in the database using
> JDO, EJBs or whatever other means. 

that's the hell I'd like to escape!! for a simple form that's no problem. But 
as soon as you have 30 variables this becomes a mess! Since we are always 
working with XML structures an instance / DOM is much easier / convenient to 
handle - especially if you want to perform validation against it!

> The validation could be done directly in
> JavaScript, instead of a Schema approach. The code that does the validation
> could then be used on the client side as well.

Arrgh! don't push me into hell again ;-) This sounds like "you just need to 
code the logic of whole form" that's exaclty what should considered "bad 
practise" for larger forms!
You can really boost productivity expressing it in XML - only depends on the 
XML structure ;-)

> As Stefano mentioned, the flow layer is an infrastructure which can be used
> to create higher level abstractions. Here are some things I am currently
> looking at, which can improve the usability of the flow script engine:
> - automatic binding of JavaScript variables to form values. This would
> allow you to declare something like:
>   var username, password;
>   // Send a page to collect the user name and the password
>   sendPage("login.html");

As christian pointed out - that's a major security whole!!! And be avoided!
BTW: same goes for examples floating around using the request logicsheet with 
esql where request parameters are directly used in the esql query! EVIL!

>   // When the user fills in the form and presses the submit button, the
>   // script restarts here. The flow engine automatically binds the username
>   // and password to the values submitted in the form.
>   // make use of username and passwd here

you could consider an special array for that... like GLOBALS["var"] in PHP. 
(or a varibale prefix)

With flowscript it could even be persistent...

> - automatic validation of form values on both server and client side. This
> should allow the same piece of JavaScript validation code to be executed
> both on the server and client side. More on this later.

I'm looking forward on this one!!! Tell me 8-))

> 11. With respect to how to put a back button on a page, I think I replied
> to this some time ago. The idea is to use the <jpath:continuation
> select="1"/> which selects the previous continuation.

but that means go back one step in the continuation execution tree (or 
something) ...but what if that's not the same? What if you want to actually 
"do something" and then go back one step!?

> As I mentioned in some other message, the continuations created during the
> execution will form a tree, or a list if the user never presses the back
> button and starts on a different path. At any given point you can access
> the continuations above you in the tree, which identify the past pages, by
> using the "select" attribute in <jpath:continuation>.

> 12. Torsten: sub-flows, flow-2-flow, what are these? Is assembly of
> functions that represent independent flows enough?


sub-flow: imagine you have a form and in it a branch to a different flow... 
you could map it as an indepent flow - but actually it's a sub-flow. If we 
implement this "sub-flow" by just switching to another flow and then come 
back to the orignial flow. One flow needs to pass variables to the other 
flow! that's what I meant by flow-2-flow communication!

see what I mean?

> 13. Piroumian asks how to cancel a continuation.
> As I mentioned in several ocasions, sendPage() returns the saved
> continuation. If you want to cancel the continuation just invoke on it the
> invalidate() method. It will cancel all the receiver and all the
> continuations that inherit from it.


> 14. Another question Piroumian has is how to validate against business
> logic. Since JavaScript is tightly integrated with Java, you can call Java
> logic from the flow script to do the business logic validation. This way
> you can invoke whatever logic you want. If this is too generic, then
> provide some use case and I'll try to sketch a solution.


> 15. Flow management: obtaining a list of all active flows.
> All the flows are kept in an array, which is managed by a Cocoon component.
> Each flow is a tree of continuations, where each continuation is a
> JavaScript object which can be dynamically inspected for properties and so
> on.


> 16. Sylvain: should flow scripts be inherited by sub-sitemaps?
> I'm not sure of the security implications of allowing them to be inherited:
> what should be the behavior if a developer alters definitions from an
> inherited flow script?

that's again the discussion we had with blocks ;-)
I think it should be possible! Otherwise you have to declare your flowscript 
in each sub-sitemap - and we have dozens of them!

> 17. The proposal to use map:call with "function(arg, arg, ...)".
> I think this is more like a syntactic sugar than real value. I don't think
> passing arguments via map:param would confuse people, the semantic is still
> the same as function invocation.


> 18. Access to continuations.
> I think there is a bit of confusion of terms in this discussion. The
> continuation id is passed in the HTTP request in some way or another: as
> part of the URL, as a request parameter etc. This encoding should be
> visible to the sitemap only. I'd very much like to have it hidden from the
> view layer as well, so if we can avoid putting explicit URLs in page
> templates, that would be great! This reduces the dependency between the URL
> design in the sitemap and the view generation.

sounds reasonable! I'd like to see it work just like session do currently

> 19. There are some other things that need to be fixed, but the following
> item is the biggest one.
> Currently the global variable space is shared between _all_ the flow
> scripts and _all_ the users. This is clearly wrong, and it will change
> soon. 


> What we should have is the global variable space common only to a
> flow script, and only to a single user. This has been a challenge so far
> with the Rhino, but I think I have a solution for it.


> Variables in this global variable space will act as session variables. To

what does that mean exactly? you mean they are persistent... but local to the 
continuation's object, arent't they?

> facilitate communication between applications or share constant values
> between users of the same application, an application and a global space
> will be introduced.

so this could be used for flow-2-flow communication?!

> In this new approach, it should be possible to have multiple top level
> functions be invoked from the same sitemap, and have them share the same
> global variable scope, for a given user. This makes things a lot easier
> when programming with the flow layer, as you are not forced to always use
> continuations. You can store your application variables as global variables
> in a JavaScript script, and have multiple functions operated on them, where
> each function is called from the sitemap.

hm... ok

> 20. My job - thanks Stefano for bringing it up. Here's my shameless plug :)
> If you think of using Cocoon for building Web apps or Web services, and you
> need support in doing so, I am providing consultancy for doing it, anytime,
> anywhere.

Aren't you still working for HP?

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