I realise that "blocks" are still vapour-ware, whereas "optional modules"
are at least imminent vapour-ware ;-) but I'm still not entirely clear on
how the relationship between these "optional build modules" and the planned
"blocks" is supposed to develop. Can someone comment on how they see these 2
related concepts developing?

It seemed to me that the CONTENT of each one of these things (i.e. the
components, sitemaps, scripts, docs, etc within a module, or block) would be
essentially the same, i.e. they should have the same granularity. This is
what I meant by "essentially the same", NOT that they use the same
mechanism, because obviously they are different. Is this right?

When pluggable "blocks" are finally developed, will they be able to entirely
replace the mechanism for optional modules? Or will there be some optional
modules which will never become blocks? Is the optional build going to be a
temporary measure before blocks arrive? Or is it a step towards a component
architecture of blocks? i.e. a block = a module + some metadata? This is
what I'm still unclear about.



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