On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Stephan Michels wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Aug 2002, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> > Blocks and modules are *not* the same.
> >
> > Putting it very simple, blocks are a plug-in mechanism for Cocoon and the
> > modules concept is only a better cvs structure for Cocoon.
> > So modules is only about organizing things and can be done by simply
> > restructuring the cvs and change minor parts of the build system. So,
> > these modules are possible today.
> >
> > Blocks in contrast need to be designed and implemented - it's not possible
> > today and has a different aim.
> >
> > However, a module can later implement a block of course.
> >
> > Looking at all these threads and mails, it seems to me that more energy is
> > spend on giving things a name rather than implementing them.
> That true ;-) But without a name I couldn't start. Perhaps we should
> vote, which name we should take.

Well, there has been a long thread about naming Blocks long ago which
resulted in the name "Cocoon Blocks" IIRC. Thus we'd refer to them as such
and have modules (or however we'd name it) named different.


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