"Enke, Michael" wrote:
> "Enke, Michael" wrote:
> >
> > Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
> > >
> > > Enke, Michael wrote:
> > >
> > > >I tried it now under Windows ME:
> > > >The swap file C:\WINDOWS\WIN386.SWP
> > > >was growing until C:\ was full (swap file size about 500 MB) :-(
> > > >
> > >
> > > But this means that this is not related to Java - Java's total memory is
> > > limited to ... whatever you specify.
> > >
> > > Or this can be bug in JDK (less possible). What do you think?

I found this is a bug in pizza compiler. Now I have Javac configured in cocoon.xconf,
all is working well.


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