On 20.Oct.2002 -- 11:44 PM, Torsten Curdt wrote:
> On Sun, 2002-10-20 at 20:40, Antonio Gallardo Rivera wrote:
> > Thanks for your prompt request.
> > 
> > I checked it. The build.sh recongnize my 1.4 VM. It select 1.4 JVM. But I 
> > think there is a problem inside the database-block. I think this is not a 
> > question about the java version of the compiler:
> I am pretty sure it is :)
> Have a look at the original source code:
> You will see the @JDBC3_START@ and @JDBC3_END@ markers. They are used by
> the build system to uncomment the necessary implementations depending on
> the JVM version. So I guess the transition into the database block broke
> this mechanism.
> This needs to be fixed...
> So you have 4 options:
> 1) you fix it (and provide a patch)
> 2) you uncomment the code by yourself
> 3) you use JDK 1.3
> 4) wait for someone else to do it

OK, looks like it's my fault, although my local repository does the
commenting / uncommenting right (sun j2sdk 1.4.1 and blackdown
1.3.1_02FCS on debian linux). Must have missed a file during cvs
update.... will look into this.

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