Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> Steven Noels wrote:
> > Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> >
> >  > 3) what does it mean for Cocoon?
> >  >
> >  > Being a project allows us to host several different incubation-stage
> >  >  efforts underneath. Cocoblog, wyona, forrest, cocoon-related IDE
> >  > plugins could be possible additions. Of course, with the idea of
> >  > promoting them as top-level projects when they are successful from a
> >  > community perspective.
> >  >
> >  > Also, it means that we could have our own machine running the entire
> >  > web site (that means: finally having Cocoon
> >  > serving its own pages!)
> >  >
> >  > Last but not least, it will give much more visibility to Cocoon since
> >  > it will be visible directly from
> >
> > Seems you hit the sweet spot pretty hard :-|
> >
> > OK. I won't be doing this all by myself. But I don't want to see
> > something we have been preparing for such a long time willingly 
> > ignored by this proposal.
> NOTE for others: Steven called me on the phone to apologize for the tone 
> of this email. So, please, people, let's keep the tone of the 
> conversation constructive.

Steven's tone *was* constructive, the concern was correct,
and there is no need to apologise. This concern would have
been quickly addressed if we had discussed the top-level
proposal before voting.

Thanks Stefano for your comments below, which allay the fears.

> I think I mixed concerns.
> One concern is moving cocoon higher up in the legal structure of the ASF.
> Another concern is what infrastructure will empower that.
> This proposal is about the first concern. It does *NOT* nor was intended 
> to contain a proposal for the second concern that will be dealt with 
> *after* the first is solved.
> So after this votation ends and all committers voted.

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