Sylvain Wallez wrote:
> Enke, Michael wrote:
> >Cool.
> >But two questions:
> >1) can we configure if zip or gzip?
> >
> Nope, this is zip only. Using gzip would mean producing a tar.gz.
> >2) wouldn't it be better to add zip/gzip functionallity to
> >   AbstractSerializer so that we have it for all?
> >   I thing that someone want to have html zipped ...
> >
> Ah, I understand... the misunderstanding ;-) This serializer is not
> about compressing the output, but about aggregating *several sources in
> an archive*. The compression stuff is only an added benefit of the zip
> format.
> There was a discussion back in July about sending gzipped html, but this
> lead to the conclusion that this is the responsibility of the container
> (httpd or Tomcat). See
> for
> more info.

Ah, yes, this thread was initiated originally from me but with no real result
up to now ;-)
Ok, I tried it and send a patch for caontainer based compression.


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