Bernhard Huber wrote:
> Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
> > Committership is not about 'writing code', is about being 'a citizen of 
> > the cocoon community'. And citizens have a passport that lets them into 
> > the country easy. Our country is our CVS module.
> yup, it's about code-reviewing, doc writing, .....

and assisting to build the rest of the community,
encouraging people, facilitation, advocacy ...

> > Result, I don't see why Matthew, which has helped cocoon immensively and 
> > continously in the past 18 months, shouldn't deserve cocoon citizenship.

Yes. However, Matthew's case is nothing special. This is how
all of us became committers. We participated in the community
in a reliable manner, we helped out when/where we were able to,
we contributed stuff (perhaps code, docs, patches, help),
we gained respect, and then were invited. Any code/patch
contribution is only a part.

What really worries me is that we did not invite such people long
ago. We have been a slack community, in that we have not regularly
encouraged new committers. That will change - we should each of
us scour the email archives to find any more neglected contributors.

> > Place your vote.
> > 
> +1 from me

+ 1 from David for Matthew to be a committer.

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