sorry for my late response, but if possible please count me in. Jürgen Seitz, a
colleague will be coming too.

See you .........


Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

> Michael Hartle wrote:
>> * When: As a date for the Stammtisch, we more or less settled on
>> December, 9th; we might even have some guests from the UK (Andrew
>> Savory), Belgium (Steven Noels) and perhaps Italy (Nicola Ken Barozzi).
> I'm trying to make it too, if it's not too late. No promises ATM, but
> I'd be happy to join you if there is some room left. :-)

Well, whereever 15 people can sit down, eat and have a chat, there is
sufficient place for 16 - yes, we just have arrived at 16 people; I will
put your name next to Nicola's, as he did not promise to come either :-)

> Ciao,

Best regards,

Michael Hartle,
Hartle & Klug Consulting GmbH

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