Hi Gianugo,

On Sun, 1 Dec 2002, Gianugo Rabellino wrote:

> OK, here is the final confirmation: I've just booked the flight and the
> hotel for both me and Nicola. We'll be in Frankfurt in the late morning
> and we'll be staying at the Ibis Friedensbruecke.

Cool, I've just booked David and myself in there, too.

> We'll badly need directions to get in touch with you guys, so if someone
> is volunteering to sort us out once in Frankfurt

Do you want to meet up at the airport, then we can all head to wherever en

> Also: we're flying back in the late evening on the 10th. If someone is
> available for a chat and a stroll in Frankfurt the next morning (or even
> for Monday afternoon), it would be great. :-)

Yup, we'll be around, our flight out is 1800 on Tuesday.


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