On Wednesday, Jan 8, 2003, at 08:48 Europe/London, Steven Noels wrote:

Well, I'm a bit confused: there is a src attribute on the source:write element, but only in the status report apparently, and a source:source element which content should list the filename according to http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/userdocs/transformers/sourcewriting- transformer.html:

I think what is going on is this .... (this is completely off the top of my head ...)

You should supply the <source:source> parameter, with your source specification in it.

When SWT has done it's job, it reports the SystemId of the written-to source in the <source:src> parameter.

I think I gave them different names because when I was initially using this stuff it was only for files, and the 'source' and 'src' would be different strings ....



<source:src>file://Users/Shared/TomCat/webapps/cocoon/blah/my.xml</ source:src>

A bunch of people have reported recently that context:// does not work as a <source:source>. TBH I do not remember testing it before that went into the docs .... I just assumed it would work, naughty me!

regards Jeremy

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