Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Ah, btw you're right that the Source object should return a Collection
instead of an Iterator for the children - I will fix that, too, asap.
Cool. But I'm still not that happy with these methods being on Source
itself. What about TraversableSource or HierarchicalSource (I have this
last one ready on my PC with collections) ?
I really don't like all these instanceof tests and I think that a source
can have children is very common. So if you deal with sources you always
end up with a test if this source contains children or not.
I think this test is much more cleaner/nicer/whatever if I can directly
query the source. An instanceof test for this reason is not appropriate.
I really don't understand much of the heat in this discussion because I'm not so into it, but I'm happy you guys are and are making progress :-)

I just wanted to ask for a second (please excluse my ignorance), if this means that a Generator can query a source if a certain "file" in the same dir exists.

The reason (Forrest need): on the filesystem I have


If I get a request for "mydir/myfile", I would like to get a Source for ""mydir/" and ask what "files" it contains that have "myfile" as a name.
Basically it could make us do a more generic version of ResourceExists.

Do I understand what can be done or am I on track? Sorry if I cannot dwelve further myself into it now, and thanks for the answers :-)

Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- verba volant, scripta manent -
(discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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