Sylvain Wallez wrote:
> Hi team,
> I just checked in Greg Weinger's AsynchronousCIncludeTransformer [1] in 
> the 2.0 scratchpad.
> This transformer allows included resources to be fetched in parallel 
> using concurrent threads, which is tremedously useful when included 
> resources are slow such as databases queries or remote web servers (e.g. 
> RSS feed aggregation).
> There's a sample under mount/asynchronous (Greg, I modified it a bit).
> However, this makes yet-another implementation of the include family, 
> and it's more than time for us to try to unify those.
> Should we stick to our own CInclude, or should we go back to XInclude 
> [2] which has reached its 2nd candidate recommendation last september 
> (how slow : the first draft was written nearly 3 years ago !) ?
> A quick look shows that XInclude allows attributes in other namespaces 
> on <xi:include>, which we may use to give some parameters to the 
> transformer for a particular resource, and also supports an 
> <xi:fallback> in case the included resource isn't available.
> Is this enough for our needs ?
Definitely no, the current CInclude transformer can do much more
than the simple XInclude version. You can configure the http connection
(set the timeout, set if you want to do a post etc.) and you
can add parameters described in XML.
So I think we really need the CInclude version - if we want to
implement the XInclude standard, then we need two transformers.
They can - as discussed many times - share the same implementation.


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