Giacomo Pati wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> > We currently have two sections named map:pipelines and map:pipeline in
> > the sitemap (2.1). As we all know from experience this is absolutely
> > confusing and wasn't a good naming idea (my fault).
> >
> > I think Sylvain and Michael have already suggested new names, but
> > I can't remember them and I'm too lazy to search the mail archives :)
> >
> > We need a new and simple name for the components section:
> > <map:components>
> >   <map:pipelines default="caching">
> >     <map:pipeline .../>
> >   ...
> What about simply map:pipe[s]?
Yes, why not - if noone comes up with a better name, we will use that.


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