On 09.Jan.2003 -- 02:14 PM, Stephan Michels wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Jan 2003, Jeff Turner wrote:
> > On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 12:23:42PM +0100, Stephan Michels wrote:
> > ...
> > > My problem is that I have always two parameters: the source uri
> > > and the property name.
> >
> > How about:
> >
> > <source name="dir" collection="true">
> >  <source name="file.xml"/>
> >  <source name="file.jpg" height="${jpg:file.jpg#height}" 
> > </source>
> Something like that.

This was originally thought to be handled through the configuration
object that is passed to the module. Here -- as well as in the sitemap
-- this is obviously not possible.

The link syntax is quite natural here. Although it does not extent to
multiple parameters. HTTP GET syntax could be used as well:
{jpg:height?file=file.jpg} (height is a property of file.jpg but from
the original intention, file.jpg is a configuration parameter)

So, a solution could be to construct a configuration object from the
parameter. This could be done in the transformer and inside the
sitemap variable resolver or it could be engineered into the universal
parameter passing scheme.

This would perhaps also address the issues Carsten has with the
current interface?

Constructing configurations on the fly was said to be expensive -- I
have no idea how expensive it really is.

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