> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Noels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 11:10 AM
> Subject: Re: ChartTransformer 0.0.4 urge a commiter!

> I loath to see people creating stuff outside this community, but with
> the intent to have it moved into Cocoon afterwards. Sorry to say so, and
> please don't take this as a criticism.

Steven, I beg your pardon, but I disagree with this statement.

Yes, in an ideal world we'd happily code all together, but this being the real world, 
sometimes happens that you develop a piece of
software for a specific customer and only after the customer's needs are met (in terms 
of time and features) you can think about
donating it.

This is especially true for a package like Cocoon, which is, first and foremost, the 
plumbing holding software components together
(the water being XML, of course).

So, IMHO, the community should welcome donations, as long as they come with no string 
attached and fit into the general vision.


A big kiss to you as well, provided you shaved this morning ;) ...hmmm, let downsize 
it to a bear hug ;)

               Luca Morandini
               GIS Consultant
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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