Jeff Turner wrote:
Not at Apache, but is there anything stopping a few developers forking
the last LGPL'ed version on Sourceforge?
Nope, not AFAIK...

If so, then using LGPL code could be an acceptable risk.  The
alternatives (rewrite, or convince the world to adopt BSD/ASL) aren't fun
at all..
Maybe from your point of view, from mine (and don't take it personally, please, it's just an example) there's no difference between Jeff Turner of the Cocoon fame and Mark Matthews of the MySQL-MM JDBC driver...

I had some chats in the past with Mark, and he understood our vision and why whe used the BSD/ASL instead of GPL/LGPL, but look at how version 3.0 of his codebase is now distributed! :-)

IIRC (long time have passed) at that time we were even "in the talks" for bringing the driver under Jakarta...


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