Stephan Michels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> I want to ask for the status of TraversableSource interface. Is this
> proposal now final?
> There were some questions open, I think?
> Now we have three kinds of returning an information of child sources:
>   Collection getChildrenURIs() throws SourceException;
>   Collection getChildrenSources() throws SourceException;
>   Collection getChildrenNames() throws SourceException;
> Do we really need these 3 methods? Couldn't we simplify these methods
> to one method?

What does name mean in this context? The uri is the "name" of a Source.

For  a webdav source I would expect getName() to return
the value of the DAV:displayname property. You can't calculate
a uri from this. So you need really getChildrenURIs to create a directory 
listing. Must a TraversableSource always have a hierarchical URI space?

> Another question, can we rename
>   boolean isDirectory();
> to
>   boolean isCollection();
> This will be more coherent to
>   Collection getChildrenSources()

A TraversableSource is not a
isCollection could cause confusion here. 


Martin Holz                FIZ CHEMIE Berlin

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